Ashok Rajan

Ashok Rajan

CEO and Founder, Pristine Data AI

I love understanding how people think and what drives them to make decisions. It starts with listening to them and being highly engaged in the conversation. Then it progresses to if/how I can help influence that person's journey. "Leave it better than you find it" is a simple axiom I like to live by. In my professional life, I use the same principles to drive holistic Customer Experiences and how to drive highly personalized journeys for each individual. I am passionate in taking a highly data driven approach as well as understanding and acting using the emotional aspects of the thought process. High EQ is better than High IQ. My happiness is driven by the successes that follow meaningful conversations that drive measurable change. When I am not geeking out on marketing, CX, analytics and everything in between, I love spending time with my family or riding my road bike on the hills surrounding the SF Bay Area. "Confidence is saying I can do this, Arrogance is saying I am the ONLY one who can this. Confidence without attitude!!" are golden words to live by. My special expertise is creating value for customers using technology platforms and achieve adoption and success in attaining their revenue goals.
