David Morse

David Morse

Chief Customer & Commercial Officer, Cambridge Mobile Telematics

At CMT, I'm responsible for revenue, growth, and for making sure our customers are successful. I lead global sales, marketing, and customer success.

I'm a business executive with a track record of success in enterprise software and SaaS...

...who's been a key leader in 3 startups that resulted in 1 successful IPO and 3 successful acquisitions...

...and a founder of 3 profitable SaaS/service businesses where I acquired first customers and revenue.

I'm versatile. I've succeeded in a variety of...

...roles in Sales, Sales Management, Product Management, Product Marketing, Marketing, Customer Success, and Business Development...

...and company sizes from pre-customer startups to venture-backed growers to $2B public companies.

I'm passionate about helping customers, growing companies, marketing & sales, building amazing teams, and having fun at work.

I never sleep, cuz sleep is the cousin of death.

Specialties: UBI, telematics, usage based insurance, sales, sales management, sales strategy, go to market, recruiting, talent development, performance management, sales compensation, direct sales, channel sales, inside sales, field sales, CRM, SaaS, enterprise software, B2B software, sales operations, sales enablement
