Jamie Nacht Farrell

Jamie Nacht Farrell

Managing Director, DriveX Network

Jamie fundamentally believe that education can and will change the world; and has spent a career proving this. 

Through 5 + exits, the one constant has remained is her double bottom line focus. She has driven teams through belief in one mission: changing lives. She obsesses over building teams with people who are infinitely smarter than she is and inspiring those teams with impact-driven business models. She believes it's equally important to focus on why we do what we do, rather than just what we do.

She has a consistent track record of driving growth for the fastest growing businesses in edtech. Successful exits include 2U's IPO, General Assembly's sale to Addecco Group ($413 million), and Trilogy Education Services' sale to 2U ($750 million).  In early days, she worked with Academic Partnerships (acquired), Education Connection (Acquired) and sat as a board member at Graduation Alliance (Acquired).