My superpower is helping B2B CEOs and Executives accelerate growth, with a focus on driving recurring revenue...
RESULTS I’ve scaled companies from $3M to $30M, $15M to $75M, and $300M to $400M+, achieving multiple successful exits and valuations over $1B.
EXPERIENCE I bring a unique combination of operating experience, board leadership, and top-tier consulting (McKinsey & Company) to drive both strong strategy and execution.
WHAT I DO My work with CEOs and executives includes: • Fractional marketing leadership to drive growth • Driving specific initiatives to deliver measurable impact • Coaching leaders to unlock their next level of performance • Conducting go-to-market and growth assessments to identify opportunities • Bringing in experts and talent to execute growth strategies
EXPERT CONNECTIONS I’ve built relationships with the best operators, functional experts, and growth leaders across B2B tech. This extensive network allows me to pull in the right talent and expertise to deliver high-impact growth initiatives.
✨ If scaling your business is a priority and you’d like to explore working together, connect and we can have a quick call to see if there’s a fit.