Chris Whitcombe

Chris Whitcombe

fmr Founder, Reward Gateway

I am an investor, advisor, and P.E. partner in early stage technology companies, valued from £0-£5m in the UK who are S/EIS eligible.

I only invest where I can also add value with my time and expertise through and advisory/board role. I am not a silent investor.

If you want to get in touch, please send me a pitch deck and put some additional relevant information in your contact request. I receive far more pitches than I can invest in so please provide as much information as possible.

My profile

Having taken two of my own businesses from bedroom start-ups to international scale, and later to successful exits (with many bumps and hiccups on the way). I now take a different role by investing and guiding others on the same journey.

I usually have a portfolio of 6-10 active investments, and have had successful exits from 20+ firms (and a few failures).

I like businesses that disrupt stale markets with new technology. I have backed businesses ranging from digital shopping coupons, tutors by app, gamified staff incentives, online property maintenance, app booked micro gyms, ultra luxury online travel agents, online glasses, web based logistics, sales optimisation software, programmatic marketing, software analytics consulting and many others.

I spend some time regularly with any company that wants it - whether its just bouncing around ideas, joining the office when all hands are needed on deck, or playing devil's advocate to provoke alternative thinking.

Whilst I like to think I only invest in good ideas and start-ups I don't always back winners. Some failures have taught me as much as any others. I'm not afraid to share those experiences along with the investments that have been great successes.

Please Note: I receive far more pitches than I can invest in. I am currently not looking for new investments
